December 05, 2002

Apache training, day 5

Day 5 of the Apache training has normally been pretty rushed, and an opportunity to cover last minute stuff before people dashed off to the airport. Well, I've decided to add real content to day 5, so that 1) people really feel that they are missing something if they leave early, and 2) so that the notes that they have to take with them are actually worthwhile for that last day.

So, I've added quite a bit about mod_dav, mod_rewrite, and mod_proxy, as well as a complete treatment of migrating to Apache 2.0.

I suppose I really aught to write some "slides" for this content, but I tend to consider that somewhat less important, so I'll just probably have all the examples up on the screen while I talk about stuff.

Posted by rbowen at December 5, 2002 10:16 PM | TrackBack
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